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EuPRAXIA takes centre stage at IPAC

The International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) is the world’s largest gathering of particle accelerator scientists and associated industries. Held annually, this year IPAC was hosted by Elettra and INFN in the beautiful city of Venice, from 7 to 12 May.

Massimo Ferrario presenting EuPRAXIA at IPAC. (Image credit: IPAC'23)

The conference was opened by EuPRAXIA coordinator Ralph Assmann (DESY/INFN), who was also the chair of the IPAC’23 organising committee. With over 1600 participants from 37 countries, and 121 industrial partners, this was one of the most successful accelerator conferences ever held in terms of attendance.

The EuPRAXIA project was undoubtedly one of the highlights of the conference, featuring prominently across the programme. Massimo Ferrario (INFN) introduced EuPRAXIA and its particle-driven site in Frascati, on behalf of the whole EuPRAXIA collaboration. He talked about the status of the technical design of the accelerator, general infrastructure plans and future pilot applications in the user community. The EuPRAXIA Doctoral Network was also presented by Carsten Welsch (University of Liverpool/INFN) in the poster session, along with several other posters covering different aspects of research in EuPRAXIA. Even the outreach talk, given by Carsten Welsch on the Physics of Star Wars, featured the science of EuPRAXIA among some of facts defying fiction.

EuPRAXIA featured in the Physics of Star Wars talk by Carsten Welsch . (Image credit: IPAC'23)

Supporting the talks and posters, INFN distributed promotional material of EuPRAXIA from a stand in the industry exhibition, making sure all participants in the conference had a chance to learn about this fascinating project and its possibilities.

The next IPAC conference will take place in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, on 18 – 24 May 2024.


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