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EuPRAXIA Project Highlighted in Seminar at National University of Córdoba

During a visit to Argentina, EuPRAXIA-DN fellow Andrés Leiva Genre, based at the University of Pécs in Hungary, took the opportunity to share his PhD activities at the National University of Córdoba on the 4th of December of 2024.

A yellow building.
Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Computing at University of Córdoba

The Argentine Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics Faculty, known for its weekly seminars on cutting-edge research topics, invited Andrés to present his work on the unique Terahertz-driven Dielectric Accelerators. This miniaturized accelerator, a novel concept in the field, utilizes terahertz radiation (T-rays) to propel particles to high energies with acceleration gradients up to 10 GV/m, surpassing conventional accelerators.

In his speech, Andrés introduced the EuPRAXIA project, its goals and aims, and the accelerator research infrastructure based on laser-plasma acceleration. The seminar was divided into two main topics: Intense multi-cycle terahertz sources and dielectric terahertz-driven accelerators. In the first half, he presented the principal components of a compact terahertz source, its central concepts, and its working principle within the scope of particle accelerators. The application of terahertz radiation, with its potential to significantly enhance particle acceleration and manipulation, was a key point of interest. The novel acceleration concept of dielectric laser-driven accelerators was explained during the second half, with a focus on their potential applications in numerous fields.

"I am honored and pleased with the opportunity to present my research activities at my home University. It is a fulfilling experience to share the world-changing project EuPRAXIA with the Argentine Physics community."


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