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Christina Weiss

CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH & TU Wien

Christina Weiss studied technical physics at the Graz University of Technolgy and joined TU Wien for her master studies. She finished her diploma thesis on neutron fluence measurements at the neutron time of flight facility n_TOF at CERN in 2010. Before her studies of physics, she worked as physiotherapist in neurological rehabilitation. 


She joined the Austrian Doctoral Student Program at CERN (2010-2013) and developed a Mosaic Detector of single-crystal chemical vapour deposition (sCVD) diamonds to measure the 59Ni(n,a)56Fe cross-section at n_TOF EAR1 for her PhD. During this period, she also performed FLUKA Monte-Carlo simulations for the vertical neutron beam line n_TOF EAR2, which was constructed and commissioned during her subsequent fellowship at CERN (2013-2016).


In March 2016 Christina Weiss joined CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH in Wien (Austria), where she is working as scientist and project manager. She is associated as visiting scientist at the Atominstitut of TU Wien and involved in international scientific collaborations with focus on exploiting CVD diamond detectors. Her research covers radiation diagnostics and neutron interaction with matter. 

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