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Ana Maria Guisao Betancur

Ultra-short Bunch Length Measurements with Femtosecond Resolution

Institute: University of Liverpool
Supervisor: Carsten P. Welsch

Ana Maria is from Medellin, Colombia. She obtained an Engineering Physics degree (June 2019) and a Master’s in Applied Physics degree (June 2022), both from EAFIT University in her natal city. Her research focus during those degrees was on optical instrumentation and image processing.


For her bachelor’s thesis she developed a computer vision system for coal classification using deep learning during her one-year industrial internship. For her master’s thesis she studied conventional machine learning segmentation algorithms for forest mapping using data fused from synthetic aperture radar and optical satellites, for environmental monitoring in Colombia.


Ana Maria’s research within the EuPRAXIA-DN focuses on developing a novel longitudinal profile monitor using broadband imaging of coherent radiation with University of Liverpool as the host institution and based at The Cockcroft Institute. This system should be simple to operate on a shot-to-shot basis and offer femtosecond-level precision in determining the width and other features of the bunch profile, also integrating machine learning techniques to combine this monitor with existing diagnostic systems to develop a suite of so-called “virtual diagnostics” for EuPRAXIA and beyond.


In her free time, Ana Maria enjoys reading fantasy books, embroidery/handcrafts, dancing, and learning languages. Other interests related to science include the participation in physics outreach activities for all audiences and science communication in general.

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